Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Travel tips for women going on trips

Following these simple travel tips can help make your trip safer and more rewarding. Since the number of women travelling alone or taking trips abroad is in the increase, thought that the tips would be of timely help for those who are planning to go on solo trips.

Tips for passport and Visas:
Make sure your passport is still valid and if not apply for a new one three or four months before you plan to travel. Make sure you have any other necessary travel documents/ visas for the countries you plan to visit.

Tips on what to leave behind:
Leave the following at home with a friend /relative.
  • Your detailed itinerary,,including names, address's, telephone numbers of every place you will be staying.
  • Photocopies of your passport identification page.
  • your flight and ticket information

Tips on not to carry valuables:

Leave all valuables such as extra credit cards, jewellery, at home. Even costume jewellery pose threat to you. So carry minimal ones.

Tips on health insurance:

Make sure you have adequate health insurance coverage for your trip abroad. That your coverage includes medical evacuations. If your policy does not cover your overseas, you may need to purchase supplemental traveler's insurance.

Tips for Medication:

If you take prescription drugs make sure you have enough to last the length of your trip, take along with you extra medication , which may come handy if your trip is delayed. Don't forget to take the prescription slip along with you, in case you need to purchase there. Also some countries have strict laws about drug trafficking.

Tips for Safety and Security:

Stay always alert, use your commonsense and be aware of your surroundings. If you feel that you are being followed immediately step into a store or safer place and see if the person passes by. Don't be embarrassed to ask help to any one. if you are still doubtful, call the hotel for assistance.

Be confident:

Look,, act and move as though you know where you are going and what you are doing. this will prevent you from looking like an easy target and may help you avoid potential danger.

Ask for directions:

Before you leave the hotel, ask the help desk or hotel staff for directions of the places you plan to visit each day. this will help you to avoid unsafe areas and also prevent you from looking confused and vulnerable. If you are lost, ask directions from a family or a lady with children.

Hotel safety:

Choose a hotel where security is good and public transportation's and taxis are readily available and close by.Once in your room, check all the windows and doors have proper locks and are in working conditions. If you feel e. ask t he hotel security to escort you to and from the parking to your room during night. Always use your peep hole before opening the door.

Tips for clothing:

It is always best to dress conservatively while travelling. since your make up , dress, jewellery may at times attract danger. so dress sensibly.

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