Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How to store seeds?

  • After collecting seeds from the garden (from herbs, vegetables and flowers), dry seeds at room temperature on racks or on large sheets of paper for about a week to ensure they hold no moisture.
  • After drying, separate the seeds from their seed pods or flower heads by shaking them into large paper bags. Sift out the seeds from any dried plant bits and pour them into recycled paper envelopes or print off some paper seed packets. Mark on the seed packets the type of plant and the date seeds were harvested.
  • Next take a kleenex tissue and pour about 1 tablespoon of powdered dry milk in the center, fold the tissue up so you have a little packet, place this in the bottom of a clean glass jar. The powdered milk will act as a desiccant inside the jar and help to absorb moisture so the seeds have a dry environment.
  • Next fill the jar with your seed packets and seal the jar shut.
  • Keep the jar in a cool dark place to keep the seeds dormant, the back of the refrigerator is an ideal location.

  • Collect the seeds when it’s dry and sunny several hours after the morning dew has disappeared (early afternoon), the less moisture the better.
  • Once you’ve harvested the seeds, avoid keeping them in a humid room while they’re drying at room temperature (even the kitchen can be too humid because of the cooking activity).
  • If you have long winters and the seeds will be stored for several months, replace the dried milk packet once or twice with a fresh packet.

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